Installer Odbc Hyper File Sans Windev
The ODBC driver, which you can freely distribute with your WINDEV applications, lets WINDEV data be accessed from third-party applications. Automatic installation, 'zero administration' HFSQL installs immediately, without requiring any other software. Installer Odbc Hyper File Sans Windev Forum. A snippet of the song was included on her. Sample Magic releases Tribal Tech-House.
New in version 20The ODBC driver for HFSQL Classic and HFSQL Client/Server is an ODBC driver of level 3. The ODBC driver offers several additional features such as:. better support for the UNICODE standard,. support for transactions,. multiple bookmarks on the tables,. search by wildcard on the schema tables,. management of cursors by block.The ODBC driver for HFSQL Classic and HFSQL Client/Server is an ODBC driver of level 3.
The ODBC driver offers several additional features such as:. better support for the UNICODE standard,. support for transactions,.
multiple bookmarks on the tables,. search by wildcard on the schema tables,. management of cursors by block.See a specific documentation for more details. To use the ODBC driver for HFSQL Classic or Client/Server:. Start the administrator of ODBC data (ODBCAD32.EXE) on your computer. To do so, select 'Start.
Run' from Windows and type 'ODBCAD32.EXE'.Note: In Windows Vista (or higher) in 64 bits, start 'c:windowssyswow64odbcad32.exe'. Select the 'User database' tab. Click the 'Add' button. Select the 'HyperFileSQL' driver.
Click 'Done'. Enter the name of the HFSQL data source.
This name will be used to identify the HFSQL database in the external programs. Click the 'Details' button.
Use the browse buttons to select the WDD file corresponding to the analysis. In the list of analyses, select the requested analysis and validate. Driver restraint system fault bmw e60. If the database is in 'HFSQL Classic' format, check 'HyperFileSQL Classic' and select the directory of the data files via the browse button. All the HFSQL Classic data files corresponding to the selected analysis are grouped in this directory.Caution: a file directory must be selected for each analysis.Validate ('OK' button).
If the database is in 'HFSQL Classic' format, check 'HFSQL Classic' and select the directory of the data files via the browse button.
. Overview. Data on a Windows server. Noticed performances. Summary of the mechanism of opportunistic locking of Windows. Tips for speeding up the applications. Version of the operating systems of the client computers.
Regular network checks. Check the knowledge database of Microsoft. Be wary of screen savers. Be wary of anti-virus programs.
Installer Odbc Hyperfile Sans Windev
Checking the applications, real error cases. PC Soft can help you optimize. Configuring a network. Several parameters. Common case of network cards.
HFSQL engine in Client/Server technology. Appendix. A client computer opens a file found on a Windows server. The mechanism of opportunistic locking transfers the entire file (or part of the file) into the local cache of client computer. The next accesses to the file do not use the network anymore but they use the local cache on the client computer. Therefore, the accesses are faster but the data found in the cache may differ from the data found on the server. N client computers can perform this operation, the mechanism is identical: each client computer transfers the entire file (or part of the file) locally.
The client computers must run the appropriate Windows version. A single client computer that is badly configured or an operating system that is not updated can significantly influence the performances for all the users of a network application. This is not the case with a HFSQL Client/Server database because the data is directly accessed by the HFSQL engine.
However, we still recommend that you keep the client computers updated to make sure that the applications operate properly. Windows 98: Second Edition (SE) required.
Windows Millenium: Service Pack 1 required. Windows NT4: Service Pack 6 required.
Windows 2000: Service Pack 4 required. Windows XP: Service Pack 2 requiredNote: To find out the version of Windows and the service pack installed on a computer, type 'winver' in the 'Start. Run' menu of Windows. Anti-virus software is an important cause of slowdowns in file accesses. If you are using an anti-virus software, the files with a.FIC,.NDX and.MMO extension must be excluded from the check. If slowdowns are noticed while an anti-virus program is enabled, temporarily disable this anti-virus and check the performances again. Make sure that you check the anti-virus on the server as well as the ones on the client computers.
An anti-virus software on a single computer can slow down the performances of the entire network. A network includes an important number of elements, and each one of these elements can be the culprit in slowing down or breaking the network. Examples:. 2 TCP/IP cards with the same address,. Conflict with a video card driver,. Conflict with a printer driver,. Type and speed of the disk drive,.
Buggy network server (check the publisher site for service packs that need to be installed),. The performance of a 100 MB network can crumble because of a simple 10 MB PC card,. The presence of electro-magnetic disturbances near cables (transformer, magnet.). etc.